Bertha and Baby Blue

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fall Folliage

This morning our granddaughter, Emma, cooked breakfast (with the help of her mom) for us. She made stickey buns.  They were really good.  After breakfast dishes were cleaned up we loaded into Bonnie and Matt's van and headed out to see the fall folliage.  Bonnie had done some research on where we should go.  We headed north then west into the mountains toward Waldon, Co.  Up the Poudre Valley.  A beautiful drive.  We drove for about an hour before we started seeing the change in the colors, but the higher up we went the more color there was.  The Aspens are pure gold.  Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!  We saw lots of people out flyfishing in the river---even saw a guy pulling in what looked like a big one as we drove by. Saw a deer run accross the road and saw a fish jump and lots of birds.  We stopped at a really beautiful rest area with a little shop.  Took lots and lots of pictures.  The colors were glorious!!!!!!  The gold of the Aspen, the green of the pines, and the grandure of the mountains----OH-----God's beautiful world!!!!  The tiny wild flowers, the birds, the tiny ground squirrles, the glorious color of the trees, the beautiful birds singing, the russeling of the trees in the breeze, the humm of insects---all promt my heart and soul to sing---"Oh Lord, my God, when I in awsome wonder, consider all the worlds Thy hands have made...."
Now on up to the top--or at least to Waldon where we eat a late lunch or early supper at the Mouse Cafe.  Nice little town.  Now back down to Fort Collins.  The drive back down is beautiful---same road but going down looks different than going up.  The sun is going down and hits the trees makeing them virtuely glimmer in the sunlight.  I was surprised to still see lots of fishermen out.  All this beauty makes my heart and soul cry out Praises to the Creator!  Thank you God for the beauty you have given to us to enjoy!!  What an awsome God!!!!!!!!  By the time we are driving into Bonnie and Matt's the sun is setting behing the mountains and again the colors of the sunset set my heart to singing..."For the beauty of the hills..."  Oh God how I praise you for the wonders and beauty of your creation.  How can anyone think that all this just accidentally happened?  "The wonder of it all, the wonder of it all......"

Now we have two very bored and tired young girls.   I don't think they enjoyed the day as much as I did.
We'll need to do something just for them soon.
May God bless each one of you with the wonder of His beauty as He has blessed me today.

III John 2

1 comment:

  1. Fall in the mountains is an awesome sight to behold. Your description makes me want to journey that way again. I miss seeing "fall".
