Bertha and Baby Blue

Friday, October 22, 2010


Well our daughter Melanie continues to slowly inprove after her surgery.  She is eating,moving around and taking the antibiotics and an occasiional pain pill when she needs it.  Billie will know when she can come home after Melanie's Dr. appt. next Tue.  Hopefully next week.  Our daughter Bonnie continues to have problems with a kidney infection, She only  has one, and may have a new viral ,stomach infection causing her to cough up blood.  Will wait to see how she does for the next couple of days.  I am doing well here in Amarillo.  I go over to see Bill and Bonnie,Patsy and Robert, Billie's parents and sister and bil .  I usually come home between 9-11 PM.  Tonight I will probably come home early and let her family regain their sanity from my daily visits.  I will probably lay on the couch, eat popcorn and watch the ESPN college football game on TV.  Ah!  The life of a retired POSTAL WORKER. How can it get any better???

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